Energy policy of the KANZAN Spezialpapiere GmbH

As a paper producer, we at KANZAN Spezialpapiere GmbH are one of the so-called energy-intensive industries. Economical use of energy, and the sourcing of energy at competitive conditions, are essential prerequisites for our commercial success. But we also feel a profound commitment to our natural environment and to the principles of sustainable action.

Our energy policy, which lays down the goals and actions we have committed ourselves to pursue, reflects both of these aspects, the economic and the ecological one.

Our goals

  • To source our energy at economical and competitive prices.
  • To make our own energy production as efficient and economical as possible.
  • To continually reduce the specific energy consumption of paper production and finishing. The same applies to our general energy consumption.
  • To promote and pursue energy-saving and energy-conscious actions in all processes and on all levels of our corporate activities, and to give this a high priority.
  • By striving to be more economical and efficient in our use of energy, to also make a significant contribution to the protection of our environment.

Our approach

  • To achieve these goals we employ the structure of an operational energy management system in compliance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2011.
  • We will constantly keep our eyes open for new ways to save energy. Recognising energy-saving potentials requires knowledge of energy consumption and costs. So we will measure and monitor our costs and consumption in an intelligible information system that will enable us to implement precisely targeted measures.
  • We will promote and encourage awareness and knowledge of energy-conscious behaviour among all of our employees.
  • We will employ energy-saving new technologies and make the corresponding investments wherever these are economically feasible.
  • We will continue, as we have done so far, to comply with all relevant regulations pertaining to the energy aspects of our operations.
  • To achieve these goals and to pursue our action plans for energy management, we have set up an energy efficiency team. This team consists of several delegates from the sectors production, technology and quality assurance under the leadership of an energy management officer. The team meets regularly to discuss energy planning and to agree on steps to improve our efficiency in terms of energy consumption.