KANZAN Spezialpapiere GmbH
Nippesstraße 5 52349 Düren

Metropolis of paper

Düren in NRW.

Düren: We are rooted here. Düren has paper in its blood and has been shaped by this material forcenturies. Many people, indeed entire families, have found their professional home in the paper industry. Some of them for generations. Here we find the best conditions for our industry. The proximity to the renowned universities in Aachen as well as to the technology centre in Jülich is a great advantage. The Model Factory Paper, a pioneering initiative of the German paper industry for sustainable paper production, is currently growing in Düren.

The Neumühl plant is located in the south of Düren on the River Rur, which has always supplied water for paper production.

KANZAN is a well-known employer in the region and benefits from the people’s expertise and proximity to paper. KANZAN is connected to the city and the region in many ways. It is a matter of course for us to integrate ourselves into this community as citizens and neighbours, to get involved and to participate in local business, employer and environmental associations. The company supports and promotes numerous activities, primarily in the social and cultural fields.