KANZAN Spezialpapiere GmbH
Nippesstraße 5 52349 Düren

People at KANZAN


Profiles of paper people: As diverse as our products.

Our distinctive corporate culture is characterised by responsible action, reliability and strength of character. These values are our benchmark in our dealings with customers, business partners, shareholders and employees.

Our team of around 300 employees is the backbone of KANZAN. With motivation and team spirit, with knowledge and expertise, with trust and openness, they develop our company a little further every day.

Ina, research developer, takes us behind the scenes

Many threads of KANZAN come together in Research & Development – Ina shows you what they are.

Pierre, Shift Plant Manager, has an overview – not only in shift work

Team spirit, stamina, concentration, patience. These are the skills you need as a shift supervisor.