Health and safety at the workplace

Protecting the health and safety of our staff at the workplace is something we view as a fundamental duty. For us, it is just as important an issue as profitability and quality.

Together with all our employees, we have created a mission statement for safety at work. This summarizes our aims and responsibilities regarding health and safety at the workplace. This mission statement serves as a mandatory guideline in our daily work and in all of our decisions.

  • Our declared goal is an accident-free working environment
  • We are all responsible for safety at the workplace – each person for himself and each person for the others. Our senior staff bear a special degree of responsibility in this respect
  • We will endeavor to empower everyone to fulfill this responsibility
  • We will set good examples for each other
  • We will be continuously on the lookout for improvement potentials, and will put appropriate measures into practice. This means taking a critical look at established routines and being open for new ideas
  • We will be open about our actions regarding work safety and will endeavor to learn from each other through open discussion
  • We will learn how to recognize dangers, and how to deal with them where we cannot avoid them

… because a safe working environment means quality of life in work, family and free time for all of us!